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The Christ School, Orlando, FL

A year ago I reached out to Cindy after googling dyslexia programs across the US. I was especially excited to stumble upon her program as it seemed we had similar goals to support students with dyslexia in Christian education. I randomly sent her an email and was so thankful when she kindly offered to speak with me. We spoke by phone and

emailed several times over those first months of building my program. I could not have done it without her examples of building a center to support children that need something different. I listened to what worked for her through her many years of teaching the wonderful population of children with dyslexia that needed intervention beyond

the typical classroom. Over the last year, Cindy has supported me in so many ways. She shared her wisdom from her many years of experience. She encouraged me while we were getting our program running. She is a positive mentor to so many. I highly recommend her as a resource.

- Alissa Plaisance, Student Support Specialist

Teachers from The Christ School

Day-and-a-half long training

It was affirming to know that the structure I already had set up in my classroom was helpful for the students with dyslexia. I worried a bit the last two years that I wasn’t giving them the support they needed but now realize that just having an organized,  structured classroom is helpful. 


I loved that most of the tools shared are beneficial to ALL students and not just kids with dyslexia. This makes it so feasible and easy to integrate a number of the methods I  learned into my classroom next year. 

Thanks so much for your time! It was well worth it.

- Megan Hoyer

Thank you so much for visiting us and the PD. This was a humbling experience as I  truly walked through a lesson as a dyslexic child might do. All the materials/tools you  provided to extend learning for ALL kiddos is super helpful, and I've already added  bumpy boards and plastic bags to my supply list for next year. 

My new mantra is "Students are not giving me a hard time. Students are having a hard  time.” 

- Tracy Sheldon

First, thank you so much for coming out to Florida and sharing your knowledge with us. I  really enjoyed the professional development. I have taken the first OG 30 hours and this  helped me add to what I learned. I do feel better prepared to meet the needs of my  students in middle school. Some of my favorites include: 

1. Adding multi-sensory to my lessons 

2. Making sure to provide more practice and more repetition 

3. The study cycle was mind blowing. Not going over material that they already know.  That’s huge. 

4. You can actually make yourself smarter 

5. The fact that memory is the main weakness in dyslexics. 

6. Linking old to the new, will definitely incorporate that strategy.

- Evelyn Salinero

This training was amazing. I learned so much about dyslexia and how to better  understand and teach dyslexic students. I did not realize that memory and organization  were such a big challenge for those with dyslexia. 

The idea of presuming something is easy because we know how to do it was extremely  eye opening for me. It makes so much sense, but is not a perspective I have thought of.  The idea of teaching vocabulary words in math will also be something that I focus on  next year that I didn't this year. I think it will set a foundation that is so helpful. I  absolutely loved the memory palace exercise and will be using that in both math and  science. Knowing how imperative repetition is will make a difference in how I plan my  lessons. 


Thank you, thank you for sharing your expert knowledge!!

- Courtney Quarles

Hi Cindy! Just a quick note to say a huge thank you for coming share. As a mom, I  cannot express how much I appreciated hearing you share the "things teachers need to  know about dyslexic students." So many parent teacher conferences have been had  discussing methods, accommodations, and needs that have often not been given or  done. Having teachers understand just how difficult simple tasks can be and just  because we as teachers "think" a child can do it, doesn't mean they can. Reminding all of  us of how each student learns differently is so so so very important.

- Terra Townsend

A big thank you to Ms. Cindy Hall. After our day and a half of training, I feel better  equipped to identify and meet the needs of our dyslexic students. Your  course, curriculum, and manipulatives were insightful and informative.

Thank you for sharing your time and talent with us. 

- Justin Nelson


Faith Baptist Bible College

Faith Baptist Bible College (FBBC) hosted a Dyslexia Friendly Classroom Summit on June 14-17, 2022. To learn more, read the article that FBCC published!

Summit Attendees

I loved the structure of the day! Lecture and heavy learning in the morning and early  afternoon, then spending a long chunk of the afternoon creating hands on learning aids  we will use in our classrooms this fall was awesome! I loved ending the day with “Book  Talk” about Fish in a Tree.

- Jan Wooster, Adjunct Faculty Member in Education Department at FBBC/Public School Substitute Teacher

My favorite things about the week of Dyslexia Friendly Classroom Summit were  1. Collaboration with like-minded teachers

2. All the information about dyslexia and what dyslexic students need from me as their  teacher. The section on classroom set up and policies was especially helpful. 3. Making hands on materials for my students to use this fall.

- Jonna Stout, Kindergarten Teacher

Where do I begin to say what I took away from the Dyslexia Friendly Classroom  Summit? Every day brought new learning! My top three take-aways could be: 1. When classroom teaching, keep the main thing as the main thing. Give students  

what they need to succeed, and provide supplemental tools, but always ask yourself  what it the main thing I am supposed to be doing right now? 

2. Dyslexia has a big memory deficit component, and there are many, many  techniques and science based ways to build the memory.  

3. Knowing the signs of dyslexia at various ages was helpful.

- Nancy Cole, Study Skills tutor for students at FBBC

My top three take-aways from today were: 

1. Fresh ideas for how to help my students who struggle 

2. Updated information for me on how learning happens in the brain

3. Encouragement from other teachers

- Amanda Fontaine, First Grade Teacher

The three most surprising things I learned from today’s sessions were: I should stop talking while students are trying to work. 

I need to consider rewarding improvement, not just perfection 

How the brain works when learning is taking place

- Jeannie Saylor, High School Teacher

I loved learning resources for making accommodations, tools to spot students who may  be struggling in my room because of dyslexia, learning that dyslexic students have  strengths, and that method for written expression - I am going to incorporate that this  fall! After taking this training, I am going to be looking for ways to incorporate multi sensory learning as much as possible. There were great examples of exactly what  multi-sensory strategies look like.

- Stephanie Schoph, Upper Elementary Teacher

I learned about using all five senses and how motor memory is the strongest and  longest. I will be using fingerspelling, the weighted arm for large air tracing, and lots  more verbal with tactile activities when I teach writing and spelling in the fall. The  methods we learned are definitely doable, and now I understand the reasons behind  using them.

- Lisa Mohnacky, Elementary Teacher

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Lindsay Lane Christian Academy

Athens, AL

Cindy Hall is a leader in a field that has done so much for students.  I have been involved with K-12 schools for the past 23 years and have seen different programs that seek to help children with learning difficulties.  Identifying children who have dyslexia while they are young is vital to their success.  I often refer to a light at the end of a tunnel with the Dyslexia Program at Lindsay Lane Christian Academy because I have seen the joy in students and their parents when they are utilizing the tools the program provides students.  We know that dyslexia is not something one grows out of, but the key is discovering how to excel in a world that looks a little different. I am a results driven person so I wanted to see the results in this program when I became the head of school at LLCA seven years ago.  When I witnessed the transformation that can be made in a person’s life, I encouraged Mrs. Hall to share what we have with other families and schools.

- Steve Murr, Headmaster

I have worked with Cindy Hall for several years at Lindsay Lane Christian Academy. She has grown our dyslexia program into an incredible ministry that has helped so many students. She is so dedicated to the program and wants nothing more than to help students succeed. She not only is the director of the program but I have witnessed her teaching the students and it is incredible to watch. I have personally witnessed the lives of families and students be changed because of this program and Cindy’s dedication. Cindy has a passion for these students and it shows in her commitment to the program. God has given her a gift and passion for students with dyslexia at LLCA.

- Holly Hill, Business Director

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Jubilee Academy  

Murfreesboro, TN 

My staff and I were able to attend a video seminar with Mrs. Hall during in-service this year. What a wonderful workshop on making classrooms multi-sensory! For many of our teachers who were not familiar with teaching students with learning disabilities, Mrs. Hall was able to present them with ideas that could be easily incorporated into their classrooms. Her instructions were clear, and the hands-on examples that she provided were a bonus! I highly recommend Cindy Hall, what she adds to the staff she influences and we look forward to working with her again in the future.

- Ashley Fleming, Business Administrator

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West Gate Christian School

Tampa, FL

Consulting with Cindy Hall has been life-changing for our school. Her expertise is presented simple and with such a sweet, helpful spirit. As our school began the journey to help students with dyslexia, Cindy covered everything from acquiring students to making classroom accommodations. She provided answers to questions we did not know that we had. Her teacher training seminar was fantastic. She gave helpful skills to equip teachers to recognize dyslexia and strategies to implement in the classroom right away. Consulting with Cindy Hall will provide a school with the tools to change the lives of both students and their families.

- Sarah Nixon

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